Trapped more than ever before in an already isolated, dystopian world, you may wonder: "Where have I landed? Where do I belong? How did the unthinkable become ‘normal’?" As winter creeps up on us, perhaps some of us are wondering why things are so difficult. The thought can cross our minds, "What would it be like to run away somewhere to get a break from all this..." But where do you run to? You are where your consciousness is. We are left with the question: what does the road to escape look like?
Join us for an evening of discussion with Devamrita Swami, world-traveling monk and Yale graduate, as he takes us into the realm of consciousness to find the perfect escape the heart dreams about. Make this time of great inner and outer turmoil an opportunity for the greatest transformation.
Talk given by Devamrita Swami for Mantra Lounge, Philly on 16 October, 2020.